Products Touch in Pictures
TiP 42-Muscle Book
in Dutch, English and German.
Our TiP 42 Muscle Book has been specially developed to (learn to) test all Touch for Health muscles with pleasure by means of clear photos and text!
For more information click here.
Price: € 25,-

Our TiP Card Set is intended for instructors as practice and play material for students in the course and for students themselves to practice with each other or at home.
Leren is nog nooit zo leuk geweest!!
The front shows the muscle test and the back shows the muscle test and meridian in Dutch, English and Spanish.
For more information click here.
Price: € 24,50

Flowcharts set (TfH 1, 2 and 3)
Available in Dutch, English and German
With our TiP Flowcharts you have an overview of muscle tests (standing and lying), vertebral reflexes, NL, NV points, meridian and muscle images, sedation and strengthening points at a glance.
For more information click here.
Price: € 25,-

Muscle order lying
in Dutch and English
These handy posters list the 42 Touch for Health muscle tests (landscape) in a logical order for easy testing.
For more information click here.
Available in two sizes
(A2, 42 cm x 59,4 cm) Prijs: € 15,-
(A4, 21 cm x 29,7 cm) Prijs € 5,-

Video: testing 42 Touch for Health muscles
Bright and clear instructional film in which the 42 TfH muscle tests are shown standing and lying down.
Super convenient to use for courses and self-study.
To get an impression of our 42 Muscles film, see the 14 Touch for Health 14 muscle tesing film, next to this tekst.
For more information click here.
Price: €15,-
Click here om onze gratis Touch for Health 14 spierenfilm te bekijken.
Touch for Health poster A1 (59,4 cm x 84 cm)
The large Touch for Health poster in A1 format is available again!
Completely updated, it is a super nice tool and a beautiful decoration that should not be missing in your practice!
For more information click here.
Price: € 25,-

Book 'Terug in je Kracht'
This book is intended for anyone who wants to know more about kinesiology and is looking for more balance in life. Kinesiology uses various techniques, including the muscle test: by asking questions to your body. a test, the body gives you answers. This way you discover which imbalances are going on in you and you can cope with all kinds of different complaints such as physical pain, stress, sleeping and learning problems. How you can do this muscle test on yourself is described in this book.
You will also find stories about consultations with kinesiologist Inge van der Zwan-Dijkman. You may well recognize yourself in one or more stories. Many people have similar problems, more than you might think.
You will also find advice and exercises there. The exercises are clearly described and illustrated with photos. This book also offers a wealth of advice for (beginning) kinesiologists for applying the techniques to clients.
For more information click here.
Price: € 22,50